Plot Kaya-identity variable
start_year = NA,
stop_year = NA,
y_lab = NULL,
log_scale = FALSE,
trend_line = FALSE,
points = TRUE,
font_size = 20,
colors = NULL,
pre_color = NULL,
post_color = NULL,
in_range_color = NULL,
trend_color = NULL,
line_sizes = NULL,
pre_line_size = NULL,
post_line_size = NULL,
in_range_line_size = NULL,
trend_line_size = NULL,
point_sizes = NULL,
pre_point_size = NULL,
post_point_size = NULL,
in_range_point_size = NULL
A tibble with Kaya-identity data or the name of a region or a region code.
The name of the variable to plot (character)
The year to start highlighting the data (should correspond
to the beginning of the trend calculation). Set to NULL
to turn off
The year to stop highlighting the data (should correspond
to the beginning of the trend calculation). Set to NULL
to turn off
Optional label for the y-axis
Use log scale for y axis
Include a trend line
Plot points in addition to the line.
Base size of the font for axis labels and titles.
Named vector of colors to use for the plot. Elements should
, and TREND
which respectively give the colors for the portion of the plot before
, after stop_year
, between start_year
and stop_year
and the trend line.
Override default color for the portion of the chart before
Override default color for the portion of the chart after
Override default color for the portion of the chart
between start_year
and stop_year
Override default color for the trend line.
Named vector of sizes to use for the lines in the plot.
Elements should include
, and TREND
which respectively give the sizes for lines in the portion of the plot
before start_year
, after stop_year
, between
and stop_year
, and the trend line.
Override default line size for the portion of the chart
before start_year
Override default line size for the portion of the
chart after stop_year
Override default line size for the portion of the
chart between start_year
and stop_year
Override default size for the trend line.
Named vector of sizes to use for the points in the plot.
Elements should include
, and IN-RANGE
which respectively give the sizes for points in the portion of the plot
before start_year
, after stop_year
, and between
and stop_year
Override default point size for the portion of the
chart before start_year
Override default point size for the portion of the
chart after stop_year
Override default point size for the portion of the
chart between start_year
and stop_year
A plot object.
china <- get_kaya_data("China")
plot_kaya(china, "F", 2001, 2011)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
uk <- get_kaya_data("United Kingdom")
plot_kaya(uk, "e", log_scale = TRUE, trend_line = TRUE)
plot_kaya(uk, "e", log_scale = TRUE, trend_line = TRUE,
start_year = 1970, stop_year = 2000,
colors = c(PRE="limegreen", POST="darkgreen",
"IN-RANGE" = "cadetblue", TREND="orange"),
line_sizes = c(PRE=0.5, POST=0.5, "IN-RANGE"=1, TREND=1.5),
point_sizes = c(PRE=2, POST=2, "IN-RANGE"=3))
plot_kaya(uk, "e", log_scale = TRUE, trend_line = TRUE,
start_year = 1970, stop_year = 2000,
pre_color = "limegreen", post_color = "limegreen",
trend_color = "magenta",
pre_line_size = 0.5, post_line_size = 0.5,
trend_line_size = 1.5,
pre_point_size = 2, post_point_size = 2, in_range_point_size = 3)
plot_kaya("United Kingdom")
} # }
world <- get_kaya_data("World")
plot_kaya(world, "g", 1982, log_scale = TRUE, trend_line = TRUE)